Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy holidays from Farewell Typewriter

Thanks to those who attended our Oakland show two weeks ago. It was a blast -- look for us to be playing with Plot Against Rachel again soon.

We don't have any dates booked at the moment, but we're working feverishly (seriously, it's really hot in here) to finish up the artwork for our debut EP so that you can give it a listen. We're also writing some killer new songs, and we'll have more shows to announce soon.

On behalf of Farewell Typewriter, I urge all of you to have a happy holiday season. To get you in the mood, you might even want to take a listen to our friends Shayna and the Bulldog's holiday tune, "December Is For Everyone," with lyrics co-penned by yours truly and friends. Enjoy!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Oakland show this Thurs.

You may already know that Farewell Typewriter is playing this Thursday, Dec. 7 at 9 p.m. on the stage of Oakland's Uptown Club. It's been all over the papers. (Technically scraps of paper lying around our rehearsal studio, but still.) What you might not know, however, is why you should attend. Here's a handy list to explain:

  • Steve's right foot, now cast-free for several months, has been once again voted the Finest Hi-Hat Foot in the East Bay.
  • Jason has been rehearsing his vocal parts. They sound even more angelic than usual. We suspect he's been listening to Hanson.
  • Grant's beard has returned and will be singing backup vocals.
  • There's some surprise twists in some of the songs you THOUGHT you knew so well. New intros? Perhaps. New rhythms? Maybe. Forgetting parts when onstage, giving us complete freedom from what they're "supposed" to sound like? Probably.
  • We're playing with Plot Against Rachel, containing our friend & engineer Brad McGowan. If I know Brad, he's probably built his entire band a new set of amps, effects & instruments since the last time I spoke with him.
  • We'll hand out earplugs this time.

    Address & more details here.