Monday, September 24, 2007

Show in SF this Wednesday

Well, Farewell Fans, it's been an exciting month. Our very own Steve Slater was married about a week ago, and Mr. Jason Countryman and Mr. Grant Shellen played some delicious jazz tunes at the ceremony. Audie was there, too, but his role was to merely look good. And I'll be darned if he wasn't downright gorgeous.

But matrimony aside, we're all back in the game and ready to deliver the goods. This week, in fact. We're playing at the Elbo Room with our friends Good People on Wednesday, Sept. 26. We hope you'll join us for a lovely evening. We're on first @ 9:30.

Good People w/ Farewell Typewriter
Wed., Sept. 26, 9:30 p.m.
Elbo Room
647 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA
